Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A good opener?

She stood by the window, looking out at the falling snow, feeling alone and if she was truthful with herself, in a state of near panic. But there was nothing to be done, how you can undo the past? You can't. You either get on with it or wallow in a pool of self pity until you drown.

Rolling her shoulders to try and clear some of the tension from her neck she turned away from the bright and cheerless view, determined to set events in motion: there were things to do and not much time to do them in. It takes time to plan a murder, well it takes time to plan a murder that you want to get away with, and tempus fugit: he was coming home tomorrow and from experience she knew he would not be happy and when he wasn't happy he made sure those around him felt his displeasure, but of course those who he purportedly loved bore the full force of his stormy temper. According to him, she was the only person he loved. Lucky me she thought.

But Sarah was no longer the same woman she was yesterday, today she had been told she would be a mother for the first time and that six letter word had re-arranged her prioities quicker than any blow to her body had ever done in the past.

Her reasons for staying with him dissolved like mist in the morning sun and now for the first time in years she could clearly see the future and she was going to make sure that future did not include a man who liked to strangle her to with in an inch of her life during sex and who thought foreplay was was a euphemism for beating someone black and blue.

Sarah, asked herself one more time, could she kill another human being, even to save her unborn child?

"Yes I can", the softly spoken words floated out into the empty room and as they left her mouth so did any doubts that remained.

There was a definitive course of action, in reality it was the only option open to her. Kill the man she had once loved with all her heart to save her child's future.

Now that she had made the decision she just had to come up with a way to kill the President of the United States and get away it.

There was a way, there always is, you just have to be strong enough to walk down that road; once you set foot on it there was no turning back and no seconds chances.

"Am I strong enough?" Sarah asked herself.

Placing her hands on her flat stomach, she knew there was life growing inside her and she felt the strength flowing into her hands, running up her arms and race around her body like a jolt of white-hot lightning.

"For you child, I would tear down this building, even if I had to rip it apart stone by stone with my bare bloody hands."

The steel in her voice suprised her, for she had thought that part of her was long gone, chipped away over time until there was nothing left of her spirit but a small pile of rubble destined to be be crushed into the sands of time.

Maybe if Obama wasn't in, ah well :-)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sleeping it out

Slept it out this morning. Pressed the snooze button every 9 mins for 2 hours, now that's dedication!. So I've invested in one of them new fangled sunlight simulator clocks to that gently wakes you up. So here's my ode to the propect of a new dawn (bad pun, but what do you expect from a bad poet... er I mean verse making person).

The land of Nod

I sleep perchance to dream,
racing against the siren's scream,
that sound that rips and tears at my consciousness stream.

But now I must lay the siren to rest,
I risk it all with fear beating a drum upon my chest,
for she smiles in her sleep knowing her voice will always be best.

So what do I do now for my get up and go?
Why I do what is needed and capture the suns blazing glow,
now the dawn's light is mine for I can program it to show.

Tomorrow morning is it's biggest test yet,
will the digital sun rise, it will I bet,
but there's doubt in my heart and I still fret.

I've the slightest notion I'll miss the siren's fair call,
for failure of the dawn's bright light will cause me to fall,
for I will not wake, at all, at all, at all...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Another poem... I mean verse.

I'm going with verse from now on, sounds more manly. I need all the help I can get :-)

I've never been drunk! I hate the taste of alchohol and there's only so many malibu rum and cokes you can stand in a night. I'm still looking for my drink, not that I get the chance to do it much anyways, so here's my ode to the national Irish sport that if it became an olympic event the paddies would win gold every time, in every category. The booze up!


The first tastes sweet,
the second is a treat.

But the third is different,
my buds become reticent.

By the fourth I become numb,
the sensation stripped from my tongue.

After the fifth my mind wanders,
the coin begging to be squandered.

But post sixth the switch flips and then it's water sips,
for the control never truly ever slips.

My mind forever anchored ashore,
never seeing if there's anything more.

While all the others drift out to sea,
I can only think "What about me!"

Monday, December 8, 2008

Funny how an image can become linked with a word.

Why so...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Routine :, a poem. Duh!

The Routine:

My consciousness leaps to the beep,
torn from the pleasues of the dreamers sleep,
the snooze is denial, the small rebelion begun.

But needs must and so do bills,
the 10th circle of hell awaits,
the M50 conveyor belt as broke as ever.

The days unfold the same:
work; eat; sleep; repeat.
Hell is a job to fill the virtual account.

But then, a break from the norm,
the brains lightening fires in the storm,
tears the sheeps fabric from the wolfs eyes.

Life is but natures cycle,
sometime she up and sometimes she cries,
but each day is different you just need to look with fresh eyes.

Color of...

I think I'm starting to like this poetry stuff, who knew!

Color of...

As a baby,
I was white,
pure radiance transferable.

As a man,
I'm not white,
I'm not black.

Shades of grey,
forever in flux,
never to return?

Purity of birth,
darkened with life,
until the end.

Grey becomes white,
the cycle reset,
the Journey complete.

Life Tattoes

This was my first poem I wrote a few months ago as a counterpoint to someones pessimistic take on life, so I tried to approach the subject from a more positive point of view to try and cheer her up.

Life Tattoes

The tears.
The blood.
The pain.
The ink that stains.

The time to rest.
The time to heal.
The time to mend.

The end.
The work,

the Art.